Installation instructions

Step 0: Dependencies

To install PhpReport in your system, you will need the following software:

  • PostgreSQL database server (tested with PostgreSQL 9)
  • PHP 7.3 or higher
    • Support for PDO and PostgreSQL
  • Web server (tested with Apache 2.x)
    • PHP module
  • Node.js with a version of 20 or higher
  • NPM
  • Python with a version of 3.11 or higher
  • PIP
  • The Alembic package for Python

Installing dependencies on selected GNU/Linux distros

Run the following command with root privileges:

  • Ubuntu: apt install postgresql apache2 php php-pgsql php-xml php-pdo nodejs npm python3
  • Debian: apt install postgresql apache2 php php-pgsql php-xml nodejs npm python3
  • Fedora: dnf install postgresql-server httpd php php-pgsql php-xml php-pdo nodejs npm python3

If you are installing PhpReport from sources instead of a release package, you must install composer to manage the project dependencies. Follow the official docs for the instructions:

Step 1: Setting up the database

Connect to your database server as superuser, or a user with enough permissions to create databases and users.

Run the following command with root permissions:

su postgres -c psql

Once you have logged into PostgreSQL shell, run the following commands to create a database, a user and grant enough permissions (change the names and passwords if you feel like to, but remember it in the next steps):

CREATE USER phpreport WITH PASSWORD 'phpreport';
ALTER DATABASE phpreport OWNER TO phpreport;

Step 2: Setting up the files

Move the program files to a location available for the web server, inside a directory called phpreport. The usual default location for the Apache web server is: /var/www/html/

If you are installing PhpReport from sources instead of a release package, you must also run composer dump-autoload -o inside PhpReport root directory, so it can generate the autoload files. Then, run composer install to install the project dependencies.

Step 3: Creating the schema and initial data of the database

Now that Alembic has been set up in the project, database setup can be handled with it. Please see the section in the api documentation dealing with Alembic and running the migrations.

Legacy methods

You have two ways to do it: using the included web installation wizard or manually.

Installation wizard

As a precondition, your web server has to have write permissions on the config directory of PhpReport to write the configuration file. Once that is done, open the url http://your-web-server/phpreport/install/index.php, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you didn't change the names and passwords specified in step 1, you won't need to modify the default values.

Manual setup of schema and initial data

Follow these steps only if you haven't used the installation wizard. In first place, browse to the phpreport directory and create a configuration file with the default options with the command:

cp .env.example .env
cp frontend/.env.example frontend/.env

If you changed any of data on the first step, edit the file .env and set the correct values for the DB name, user, password, host, etc.

Browse to the directory sql/ and run the following commands (you will be asked by the password interactively, default is phpreport):

psql -h localhost -W -U phpreport phpreport < schema.sql
psql -h localhost -W -U phpreport phpreport < uniqueConstraints.sql
psql -h localhost -W -U phpreport phpreport < otherConstraints.sql
psql -h localhost -W -U phpreport phpreport < initialData.sql
psql -h localhost -W -U phpreport phpreport < update/all.sql

Set the correct DB name, user and host if they are different.

Step 4: Try the application

Use a browser to open the correct URL of your web server, and use the user name admin and the password admin for the first time. You will be able to create more users and change their passwords once you enter the application.

Step 5: Remove dangerous files

Once the installation is complete and you have checked it is working, remove the install/ and update/ directories inside your PhpReport, to prevent other users from resetting your DB.

Step 6: Last configuration bits

You might have to modify some parameters in the file [.env] to match your work domain. In particular, you might have to modify the default total number of holiday hours for a full-time worker. It is specified by the [YEARLY_HOLIDAY_HOURS] attribute, and you have to modify the following line to change it:


Remember to check the data model for holiday management to know how it works and which value you should put there.