WPE WebKit 2.45.1 released


This is the first development release leading towards the 2.46 series.

What’s new in WPE WebKit 2.45.1?

  • Use Skia by default instead of Cairo for rendering. Cairo support may still be built passing -DUSE_SKIA=OFF to CMake.
  • Synchronize WebGL content using fences, where available.
  • Disable the gst-libav AAC decoder.
  • Support AXActiveElement and AXSelectedChildren for combo boxes, lists and list boxes.
  • Decrease input notifications for gamepad inputs.
  • Make gamepads visible on axis movements, and not only on button presses.
  • Improve DMA-BUF format negotiation and buffer allocation to facilitate faster code paths in buffer handling.
  • Make user scripts and style sheets visible in the Web Inspector.
  • Make hole-punch media playback support video elements with rounded corners.
  • Enable by default building support for the MediaSession and WebCodecs APIs.
  • Allow WebDriver connections to already running browsers.
  • Support downloading files from the Web Inspector when using HTTP remote connections.
  • Replace build-time per-platform multimedia support option with quirks applied at runtime. Automatic quirk detection is used by default, and quirks may be overriden using the WEBKIT_GST_QUIRKS and WEBKIT_GST_HOLE_PUNCH environment variables.
  • Deprecate the WebKitWebView::insecure-content-detected signal.
  • Fix mouse location in WebDriver when output device scaling is in effect.
  • Fix touch input event propagation.
  • Fix missing mouse cursor in the WPE Wayland platform support.
  • Fix several crashes and rendering issues.


wpewebkit-2.45.1.tar.xz (37.7 MiB)
   md5sum: b5399a7fe2dbd5a380caed9da7f3bfa3
   sha1sum: 255c1ee50d311c9135b898e0da4876555af6df6a
   sha256sum: c985a11fd70d5e0190adee2556bd5f2be9f860d628c71ae7cb35b6875b73a507

If you’re using WPE WebKit, or are considering doing so, please take our brief user survey. Your input will help us make WPE WebKit better for you!

If you’re using WPE WebKit, or are considering doing so, please take our brief user survey! Your input will help us make WPE WebKit better for you.