Verifying Releases

WPE release tarballs are cryptographically signed and can be verified using PGP signatures (in an .asc file) and their checksums (in a .sums file). Everybody is encouraged to verify the integrity of downloaded files using them.

PGP Signatures

Every release is accompanied by a cryptographic signature produced by the person in charge of publishing the release. This signature allows anyone to check whether the files have been tampered with after they have been signed. Forging a signature is practically impossible without gaining access to the private key used. If that were to happen, the compromised key would be revoked and all files re-signed with new keys.


The following PGP keys are currently in use for signing releases:

Adrián Pérez de Castro (key) 5AA3 BC33 4FD7 E336 9E7C 77B2 91C5 59DB E4C9 123B
Carlos García Campos (key) D7FC F61C F9A2 DEAB 31D8 1BD3 F3D3 22D0 EC45 82C3

Importing keys

Once downloaded, keys need to be imported in the PGP keyring, for example with GnuPG:

% gpg --import aperez.key
gpg: key 91C559DBE4C9123B: 1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 91C559DBE4C9123B: public key "Adrián Pérez de Castro <>" imported
gpg: key 56736249E4C9123B: 11 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 56736249E4C9123B: public key "Adrián Pérez de Castro <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg:               imported: 2
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found


The signature file for each release has the same name plus the .asc suffix. Given a download URL, the following illustrates the process:

% curl -sLO
% curl -sLO

Now it is possible to verify the .tar.xz file against its signature:

% gpg --verify wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz'
gpg: Signature made lun 20 dic 2021 00:05:24 EET
gpg:                using DSA key 5AA3BC334FD7E3369E7C77B291C559DBE4C9123B
gpg: Good signature from "Adrián Pérez de Castro <>" [ultimate]
gpg:                 aka "Adrián Pérez de Castro (personal) <>" [ultimate]
Primary key fingerprint: 5AA3 BC33 4FD7 E336 9E7C  77B2 91C5 59DB E4C9 123B


Checksums for release tarballs are also published along releases. While suitable to check file integrity, using PGP signatures provide a stronger guarantee.


The checksums file for each release has the same name plus the .sums suffix. Given a download URL, the following illustrates how to calculate the SHA-256 checksum on your end:

% curl -sLO
% curl -sLO
% sha256sum wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz | cut -f1 -d' '

This can be compared with the value of the last line of the .sums file:

% cat wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz.sums
wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz (22.5 MiB)
   md5sum: f8eb92825bf6477fb04ca017926c2458
   sha1sum: a72f507dfd6d4d579b2e6c939d7c171c2cfb1d92
   sha256sum: c35de4bfce35c81cbd6c1da27879b4ea33e20bd51d750ce296a4d100d45f40fc

Or, programmatically:

% expected=$(tail -1 wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz.sums | cut -f5 -d' ')
% calculated=$(sha256sum wpewebkit-2.34.3.tar.xz | cut -f1 -d' ')
% if [ "$expected" = "$calculated" ]; then echo ok ; else echo failed ; fi

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If you’re using WPE WebKit, or are considering doing so, please take our brief user survey! Your input will help us make WPE WebKit better for you.