This is the official repository of 3D environments that are shown as available for the Wolvic VR Browser. Environments are cube map sky boxes with 6 images (described below). Anyone can submit a potential new environment for inclusion, and users can browse and select them from Wolvic itself through the “Environment” section in the Settings.
mipgen -f ktx -m 1 -c etc_srgb8_rgba_100 <source.png> <destination.ktx>
To generate all of them in a loop
$ for f in PATH_TO_UNCOMPRESSED_DIR/*png; do mipgen -f ktx -m 1 -c etc_srgb8_rgba_100 $f PATH_TO_DESTINATION_DIR/$(basename ${f%.*})_srgb.ktx; done
textures should be 513kB size. If they’re bigger then you are either not using 1024x1024 images or you’re generating textures with alpha layerA 256x256 screenshot of the new enviroment (env_name.[png | jpg]) |